5 Reasons To Cancel Your Psychology Today Listing

Reasons to Cancel Your Psychology Today Listing

Navigating the vast world of mental health services can be challenging for both practitioners and clients. For therapists, psychologists, and other mental health professionals, finding the right platforms to connect with potential clients is a critical decision.

One popular choice has been Psychology Today, known for its therapist directory and resources. However, there comes a time when professionals might consider whether to continue their listing.


Here is the simple guide to deciding whether to cancel your Psychology Today listing, followed by insights on when it might be worth keeping.

Cost vs. Benefit:


The monthly subscription fee for a listing on Psychology Today might not always yield a high return on investment. If you're finding that the number of referrals doesn't justify the cost, it might be time to explore other marketing strategies or platforms that offer a better value for your money.


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Here’s How You Can Asses The ROI From Psychology Today:

Step #1: Track Referrals. Begin by systematically tracking how many clients are finding your practice through Psychology Today versus other sources. Use a simple spreadsheet or client management software to note the referral source for each new client inquiry or booking.


Step #2: Calculate Acquisition Cost. Determine the monthly cost of your Psychology Today listing and divide it by the number of new clients acquired through the platform each month. This gives you the acquisition cost per client from Psychology Today.


Step #3: Evaluate Client Lifetime Value. Estimate the lifetime value (LTV) of a client by considering the average number of sessions a client attends and the rate charged per session. Compare the LTV to the acquisition cost to gauge the financial return of your listing.


Step #4: Consider Time Investment. Besides the financial cost, assess the time you spend updating and maintaining your Psychology Today profile. Is this time investment yielding sufficient returns in terms of client engagement and inquiries?

Market Saturation

In many areas, the Psychology Today directory is saturated with listings, making it challenging to stand out. If your profile isn't attracting attention despite your best efforts to make it appealing, the platform might not be the right fit for you. Diversifying your online presence could be more effective.


Ideas To Diversify Your Online Presence:

  • Targeted Social Media Campaigns: Utilize Facebook's robust targeting options to reach potential clients based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and location. For example, target users within a specific age range or those who have shown interest in mental health resources.


  • Google PPC Advertising: Create localized ad campaigns targeting the geographic area you serve. Use Google's location targeting features to show your ads to people searching for mental health services in your vicinity.


  • Content Marketing: Establish yourself as an authority in your field by creating and sharing valuable content. Blog posts, videos, podcasts, and infographics on topics relevant to your potential clients can improve your search engine rankings and attract organic traffic.


  • Email Marketing: Build an email list by offering a valuable download (like an e-book or guide) in exchange for email addresses. Send regular newsletters with helpful information, updates about your practice, and invitations to workshops or events.


  • Online Workshops and Webinars: Host free or paid online workshops, webinars, or live Q&A sessions on topics of interest to your target audience. Use these events to showcase your expertise and engage directly with potential clients.
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Changing Client Demographics

If the demographic of clients you're attracting through Psychology Today doesn't align with your specialization or the population you aim to serve, this disconnect can be a sign to reassess your listing. Targeting platforms that cater more specifically to your preferred clientele might yield better results.

Over-reliance on a Single Source

Relying solely on Psychology Today for client referrals can be risky. It's essential to build a varied marketing strategy that includes a professional website, social media presence, networking with other professionals, and considering other directories to ensure a steady stream of clients.

Evolution of Your Practice

As your practice grows and evolves, your marketing needs will change. If Psychology Today no longer fits the image or direction of your practice, or if you've built a strong enough reputation through word-of-mouth and other marketing efforts, maintaining the listing might not be necessary.

Now you have the information and tools that you need to draw your own conclusion about the effectiveness of psychology today for your business.


Also check out: When you should consider KEEPING your psychology today listing. 

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